Why Join?
Executive Roundtables are a unique opportunity to connect with a group of your peers in a safe, confidential space to share stories, solve unique challenges and support one another on a regular basis. Our advisors serve as facilitators, sharing valuable ideas from their own experience and ensuring that thought-leader best practices are incorporated into the conversation.
As a member of an Executive Roundtable, you’ll
have the opportunity to:
Build strong relationships with a group of local business leaders in a safe, confidential environment
Leverage the knowledge and experience of your peers to solve problems
Gain access to a team of accomplished business leaders from all disciplines (the AZ Growth Advisors team)
Learn the latest leadership and business best practices to increase your leadership effectiveness
Develop your career with teachings from a broad base of business and financial thought leaders
All-Member Meetings
Twice a year, we bring everyone together, plus a few special invitees and resources, for an all-member meeting. Over the years, AZ Growth Advisors members have had access to:
Jack Stack, author of The Great Game of Business and advocate for open-book management
Richard Owens, CEO of Satmetrix (affiliated with Fred Reichheld’s Net Promoter Score)
Dr. Brad Smart’s Topgrading, Inc.
Scott Blanchard of The Ken Blanchard Companies
David Marquet, author of Turn the Ship Around!: A True Story of Turning Followers Into Leaders
Jeff Downs of the Franklin Covey group delivering The 4 Disciplines of Execution
The John DiJulius Group, author of The Customer Service Revolution
Adele Revella, author of Buyer Personas
Ann Rhoades, author of Built On Values: Creating an Enviable Culture that Outperforms the Competition and former head of talent for Southwest and JetBlue Airlines
Keith Cupp, President, Gazelles International Coaches
Most recently, our keynote speakers have included:
Dr. Chip Espinoza, co-author of Managing the Millennials: Discover the Core Competencies for Managing Today's Workforce
Dr. Suzanne Peterson, Associate Professor of Leadership at Thunderbird School of Global Management
Kailhan Krippendorff, CEO & Founder of Outhinker and author of Out Think the Competition
Shannon Byrne Susko, CEO of Metronome United and author of the 3HAG Way
Kevin Lawrence, CEO of Lawrence & Co. and author of Your Oxygen Mask First
Shawn Vanderhoven, Partner at the Wiseman Group and co-author and contributor on Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter
An archive of guest speaker topic summaries and tools is available in our Resources section.
Want to know more?
Talk with one of our experts about joining an Executive Roundtable today.